Advanced Metal Detecting Research Lab

"Dal 2009, un punto di riferimento tecnico, obbiettivo ed imparziale, per tutti gli amanti dei Metal Detector…"


7 pensieri riguardo “Leonardo

  • Dear Mr. Ciocca,

    I am about to start searching for relics, coins, … . Which MD would you prefer for a Beginner? Ace 300i, 400i or the euroAce350? I would be Happy if you can give me a professional advice:).

    Thanks in advance


    • Hi Jan!
      Nice to meet you.
      In my personal opinion I would suggest the new ACE 400i. Garrett have introduced some great features like double digit VDI, Iron Audio (found only on their hi-end models), better discrimination, Frequency Shift to counteract EMI and also have fixed the annoying bugs of the previous ACE series (false signals when bumping the coil and some other flaws). And they also include the rain cover, a nice headphone set and a coil cover in the box!
      It has very very good performances and it’s easy to use too!

      No doubts… Go for ACE 400i!

      Leonardo Ciocca
      AMD Tech Team

      • Hey, thx alot for your reply. I forgot to thank you for your nice test-eBen if I have to read the weired translation from Google……I think i will buy the 400i-read alot in the meanwhile.

        What we forgot: if i dont like to go searching -the 400i will have the better resellingvalue-imho!

        Thanks alot …

        ….and i hope germany will the quarterfinals;)

        Greetings from Germany!

  • salve sono entusiasta della descrizione del relic striker ma vorrei provarlo x poterlo po accuistare se dasse quelle prestazioni
    come posso fare visto che o provato altre macchine e non sono stato soddisfatto

    • Ciao Sartori!
      Scusami per il ritarno nella risposta.
      Non essendo noi di AMD dei rivenditori, non posso fare altro che suggerirti di fare un appello su uno dei tanti forum o gruppi Facebook dedicati al detecting per chiedere se qualcuno vicino a te possa fartelo provare.

      Leonardo Ciocca
      AMD Tech Team Director

  • Hi Mr Leonardo
    I am planning to procure a detector, and this detech relic striker impressed me a lot compare to other detectors I have seen in many reviews in youtube. Is this detector suitable for an amateur or beginner like me? I have not seen any videos that this detector is used in rivers and on beaches , it isnt suitable on that places? Lastly, could this detector detect gold nuggest ? I would be glad waiting for your answers to my queries.Thank you.

    • Hi Alfredo!

      The Relic Striker is quite simple to be used by beginners.
      If could be used on river banks or beaches with no problems.
      Due to its low frequency (4.8 kHz) is not the best choice for small gold nuggets. Anyway, Detech also produces a high frequency machine called Gold Catcher that runs at 28 kHz that could be a great tool for nugget hunting.

      Best regards,


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