Advanced Metal Detecting Research Lab

"Dal 2009, un punto di riferimento tecnico, obbiettivo ed imparziale, per tutti gli amanti dei Metal Detector…"


NEWS: E’ con vero onore che…

Questa mattina ho ricevuto la seguente email da un noto distributore nazionale:

Ciao Leo, hai per caso mandato un libro alla White’s America ?

Guarda cosa mi hanno scritto.

Hope you are doing well.
I am right now travelling troughout Europe to visit our dealers and to establish with them the forecasts for the next season and furthermore to collect advices and suggestions if any, how to improve and or to realise a new model which should be located in a price range like the DFX is. V3i is getting a good success, but we are conscious that the price is surely not affordable for everybody.
By the way, I have learn about somebody in Italy who has released an impressive and far detailed technical research on DFX. This book seems to be a real important source of information about that machine. I would personally be pleased to meet the author, Mr Leonardo Ciocchia and ask for his experience to highlight some improvements and he would suggest us to bring to DFX, which we would be deeply interested in learning to get an important database of information to realise our next model : DFXi.  My favorable day, the only that i will across italy is next 5th september, and i am proud to talk with you by our future metal detecting experiencies.
This is obviously a confidential message to you and this is also the reason I would like to ask you the possibility to pay you a visit in this week end. If this is acceptable for you, would you be so kind to contact Leonardo and fix with him a meeting by your premises, possibly on Sunday 5th in the afternoon (unfortunately I will be flying back early Monday morning and have no other possible issues). During this friendly and confidential meeting, I will show you and Leonardo roughly the new prototype and we could arrange a date with both of you to test the new prototype, which could be ready by the end of the year.
Looking forward to reading from you very soon.
Truly yours
Kenneth (N.d.B3. Kenneth “Ken” White – Fondatore e Presidente della White’s)

Potete quindi immaginare quale emozione mi abbia investito!

Un onore così grande!!!

Ahimè, il 5 di settembre (questa domenica) convolerò a nozze con la mia amata dolce metà e quindi ho dovuto, mio malgrado, declinare l’invito di Mr. White rendendomi comunque disponibile per future collaborazioni.

Che spettacolo poi telefonare al distributore per ringraziarlo e… SENTIRLO SCOPPIARE A RIDERE!!!!

Era tutto uno scherzo!!! Alcuni miei amici del forum (simpaticissimi!) mi hanno fatto un bellissimo scherzo sapendo bene che il 5 mi sposavo!

Ancora non hanno confessato ma dallo stile di scrittura una mezza idea di chi siano i responsabili ce l’ho già…. 😀

Ragazzi, siete stati veramente unici e meravigliosi!!!

Grazie di vero cuore! E’ stata una cosa divertentissima!!!!!


Un pensiero su “NEWS: E’ con vero onore che…

  • Beh che dire? con grandissimo affetto da parte dei tuoi amici scapestrati del MD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
    😀 😀



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